While a guided elk hunt may seem fairly limited, it really is much more open than it may sound. Many different kinds of game can be found in the American southwest, including other big game hunts other than our elk guided hunts. Outside of these guided elk hunts, black bear hunting guides, and guided mule deer hunts, even cougar hunts, are also available giving ample opportunities for those who seek engaging hunting vacations. Given the diversity of the local fauna, it is possible to tailor the right hunting vacation for you.
Within any of our guided elk hunts, you may also encounter smaller game such as wild turkeys. Though the turkey was domesticated by the indigenous Mesoamericans over 2,000 years ago, it still thrives as a wild species. The prized male turkey, known as a “tom” in America, lives an average of 10 years and is a fine game when found along any of our guided elk hunts.
Perhaps the greatest trophy of all offered at our hunting ranches, is the black bear. While not the largest bear in nature, the black bear is North America’s most common bear species. Hibernating for about four months of the year, starting in October or November, the black bear must gain 30 pounds of pure body fat in order to last throughout the winter.
If fishing is more your style, or you’re looking for a break from our guided elk hunts, you may consider seeking out the rainbow trout. Prized for it’s distinct taste, the rainbow trout is a carnivore known to eat the eggs of other local fish species, and even smaller adult fish or crustaceans when it can.
There is much more than meets the eye to our elk hunting ranches, and trophy mule deer hunts. Make your next vacation a hunting vacation.