Technology in hospitality industry pdf

Every hotel owner wants their business to be a thriving place. One area where any great hotel starts is with great staff. If a hotel has the nicest rooms coupled with poor staff, it is unlikely guests will want to return. Poor customer service can cause many problems for a hotel. Research done by CEB shows that 96 percent of customer that have to exert a high amount of effort will end up being disloyal to your company. Software has become a great helper in retaining employees. Hotel reservations software can allow works to easily ensure customer have no booking errors. In this post, you will learn three tips to retaining your workers.

Have Employee Development Plans in Place

Every worker wants to know that their time at work is going towards something. If your workers don?t have a clear path of where to go next within the company, they could feel lost. Workers that feel lost in the shuffle stand more of a chance of leaving than someone who feels developed. Consider creating development plans for the departments within your business. Hotel technology is always advancing which makes creating this plan a fairly simple task.

Give Employees Tools to Succeed

Hotel management systems make running a hotel easier on everyone. Installing hotel front desk software gives your workers a streamlined program with all the important information just a click or two away. One reason employees leave their jobs is that they don?t feel adequately equipped to perform the role. Empower your employees with hospitality management software systems. Having the right software in place also helps your customers. For example, hotel reservations software helps to reduce older reservation methods.

Conduct Exit Interviews

One of the most underutilized arsenal in employee retention is the exit interview. However, certain companies are not implementing this form of interview. Yes, it might feel a bit awkward for both sides. However, the information gleaned from an exit interview is often vital in finding out where discontent is happening within your company. Research shows that the average daily no show rate in the workplace is 10%.

In closing, there are several ways to keep your employees happy and with your company. Having a development plan for workers let them know you value them and want them to grow within your business. Having the proper software gives workers the aid of technology to carry out daily tasks. Hotel reservations software helps to keep your customers happy too. One study found that building loyalty from only 5 percent of your customer base leads to a 25-200% increase in profit, per person.

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