In today’s changing climate, many small business owners feel out of the loop when it comes to the use of social media and the internet in advertising and marketing. Small business owners who have classically utilized print, radio, or television advertisements may feel lost in the sea of today’s rapidly evolving market. Here are a few helpful tips to assist small business owners in creating an online presence, and keeping up with today’s technological advances.
The Rise of Social Media
You have certainly heard of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and you may have already created one or more of the pages for your business. But to truly understand the power that these outlets have you have to see the statistics on their use.
Facebook is a business tool and should be utilized as such. Hiring someone with extensive social media experience to help market your business through Facebook is not only recommended but necessary in today’s market.
The Power of the Blog
Blogging may not seem like a viable business tool but it has the potential to increase your brand awareness and visibility. 95% of small businesses view blogging as a valuable business tool. 70% of content marketers say that blogging has increased their brand awareness. Companies that blog have an average of 434% more indexed pages than those that don’t. There are companies that you can pay a small fee to create content for your businesses website to help generate traffic and increase the awareness of your brand.
Keeping Up With the Times
It can feel difficult to know where to invest your hard earned profits in today’s rapidly changing technological landscape. The benefits of a website far outweigh the costs. Creating a mobile website can also add visibility to your business. As your internet technology needs grow, it is important to keep in mind the importance of network security systems. Network security systems keep your valuable data safe from potential failure or fraud. Having a professional help create network security systems for your business can be a necessity as online scammers and hackers are attacking businesses like never before.
If you have questions about IT consulting, marketing tips for small businesses, or are in need of help with social media, there are local professionals available at the click of a button. Contact one today and set your business on track to compete in today’s technology driven market.