Content marketing playbook

The recent Penguin 2.0 Google update changed a lot of the local Seo optimization game. Were you to type in “bars” or “chicken wings” or “mechanic,” Google would show you a slew of local store’s locations, ratings, costs, and reviews. However, this doesn’t mean that local SEO optimization has gone by the wayside. There are still many strategies that businesses can utilize to pull more people in online from their local community.

One such local SEO optimization tip is to build a mobile platform for your site. Many people access the Internet from their mobile devices, like smartphones, iPods or tablets. Mobile platforms give users a simple, easily-navigable format, which also boosts the site’s search engine ranking. Mobile platforms allow you to pull these on-the-go Internet users in quickly.

Another benefit of local seo optimization is the fact that it’s largely untapped by businesses. This means that taking advantage of it now, early, will give your business an edge over competition. Adriel Michaud, director of SEO at Top Draw writes on Business2Community that local SEO optimization is “still so new that most companies aren’t doing a good job of it and early adopters are able to get great results.

Local SEO optimization is a great idea for any small business. It involves different approaches than your normal SEO tactics, like content marketing strategies. Instead, utilizing a mobile platform will really help. It’s important to take full advantage of local SEO optimization quickly, while it’s still largely untapped. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments!

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