Flash web design company

Did you know that there are about 650 million active websites on the internet? If you are trying to get clicks and gain customers online, you probably realize by now that there is a lot of competition when it comes to monetizing on the millions of people looking for products and services every day. Great web design is one key aspect of having a successful online company. Here are four ways that quality web design will benefit your business, and your brand.

1. Optimized for Mobile Devices

Did you know that MCommerce, or mobile commerce, is expected to account for an incredible $119 billion in revenue by 2015? Surprisingly, though, 48% of mobile users say they have been frustrated after visiting websites that lack mobile optimization. Getting professional web design that optimizes your site for devices will give you a leg up on the competition.

2. A Great User Experience

If you have bad jump rates for people visiting your website, the culprit is probably poor interface design. Is it easy for visitors to find the information or products they want with just one or two clicks? Do you have a search bar? Are all your links and images functioning? Is your website quick? About 40% of visitors will leave if your page takes longer than four seconds to load. Website designers can help you make sure that every page is a professional online storefront for your brand.

3. More than Just Design, SEO as Well

Every website wants to rank higher in searches and get a bite of the upwards of the billions of business related queries running through Google every week. Did you know that great web development can actually help you with this? Designers who understand how to incorporate website marketing strategies like SEO into their coding and layout will be an added benefit to your investment.

4. Reel Them In

The best professional web design services understand the psychology of design. In other words, subconsciously influencing consumers using call to action prompts, to choose your products. An example? Modifying an Add to Cart button design to contain an image of the specific product can result in a 28% conversion rate increase.

What tips do you think are key to successful website marketing strategies? Let us know in the comments! Research more here: www.globi.ca

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