Three Changes to Make To Your Content Marketing Playbook

Professional website development

Over the last few years, the way we market our businesses has changed considerably. While many companies used to rely on television spots, print ads and prominent signs, most entrepreneurs now realize that the future is in more current media. For this reason, many people are now turning to a number of modern solutions, from attractive websites and advertising through social media to web search optimization and effective content marketing strategies. But what is your next step? Follow the tips below to keep your content marketing playbook relevant and producing results.

Focus on Telling Your Story
Whether you’re currently focused on obtaining affordable website development services or fine-tuning your social media accounts, every move in your content marketing playbook should be designed to help create a comprehensive, appealing image of your company. Just look at the hotel chain Marriott, for example: in 2008, the company’s EVP of communications, Kathleen Matthews, walked into Bill Marriott’s office and suggested that he write a blog. At the time, he didn’t even use a computer, but Matthews’ prior experience as a journalist and news anchor had taught her the power of a good story. Today, Marriott’s “On the Move” blog is a fantastic example of the hotel’s engagement, legacy and relevance: posts include everything from pictures of NASA scientists who stayed in the hotel chain during the 1960s to a short series called “Interviewed by a Millennial”. Your blog, social media accounts, website and other content marketing decisions should do the same for your business by creating an effective story your audience can connect with.

Make Quality, Not Quantity, Your Goal
In the past, the content marketing playbook seemed to tell entrepreneurs that more was the answer to search engine success: you wanted more links, more posts, more page views, and so on and so forth. Today, however, things have evolved somewhat. Google’s algorithm updates, for example, put a higher focus on link quality, and most online marketing consultants agree that a targeted, carefully-considered approach is more likely to be effective than a general attempt to rank first on a Google search. As a result, one of the best things businesses can do is focus on the quality of their websites and more to make sure their method of reaching out to clients is working.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help
With the rate at which online marketing is changing, it is almost impossible for those who work outside the industry to stay up on the latest development. For this reason, every business should consider hiring a local SEO agency or social media marketing firm to help them utilize the best tools and tactics the business can offer. This can not only lead to better results, but also let you focus on what counts: actually running your business. It might seem strange to turn your content marketing playbook over to someone else, but that is likely how you will learn some of your favorite new moves for years to come.

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