According to OSHA, a confined space is any space that has a limited amount of room wherein toxic or flamable contaminants may accumulate. Sometimes this room’s atmosphere is oxygen deficient. As such, these rooms include storage tanks, process vessels, bins, boilers, ventilation or exhaust ducts, sewers, underground utility vaults, tunnels pipelines, and open top spaces more than 4 feet in depth such as pits, tubs, vaults, and vessels. Clearly, this means that a confined space is any room that a person wouldn’t normally enter. However, there are times when they do need to be accessed for cleaning or maintenance purposes. This is why lock out tag out training is vital for anyone who will be working therein.
In lockout tagout training employees learn about the various hazards that are associated with entering into this type of an area. Those who conduct these lock out tag out programs are certified by OSHA to do so. They actually attend train the trainer classes in which different types and issues of confined spaces are gone into depth about via textbooks, simulators and other extensive training methods. These trainers will then offer training to both construction and maintenance personnel. Of course, there are also people in some other occupations that need to go through lockout tagout programs. Typically, these aren’t traditional fields and may include agriculture and mining jobs.
Whenever you work in a field that requires you to follow lockout tagout procedures, you’ll need to know what to do in order to follow OSHA’s strict rules for such procedures. Without the proper confined space training you won’t be allowed to enter into areas whereby you’d be required to show a permit. This is mainly to protect you from certain hazards but lock out tag out permits will also help to keep track of what personnel has been in such areas.