There is no time like the present to make sure you know how to apply for social security benefits. You may find that there are some elements of the process that have changed slightly since the last time you took a look at it. You might not know everything about social security and how to use it to get all that you are entitled to from the federal government. Remember, when you apply for social online, you are making it easier on yourself and those who distribute the funds to get the benefits to you as rapidly as possible. You might not have ever thought about it in these terms before, but that is exactly what you are doing when you apply in this way.
There is a chance that you can get an advance on social security benefits if you take advantage of certain programs that are available to you when you apply for them via the government’s website. Remember, your social security disability application is likely one among thousands in the system, so don’t delay as you will only cost yourself needless harm when you don’t get the benefits that you are entitled to.
Q: Will claims that have representation from social security attorneys have a better chance at being awarded benefits during a hearing than those that do not have representation?
A: Statistically speaking, most claims that are awarded benefits after a hearing have been represented by social security attorneys. Some claims that do not have legal representation are awarded benefits, as well. Social security attorneys have the expertise, education and experience to know what is needed by judges and claims examiners to adjudicate claims fairly. Most claimants do not have that level of knowledge or experience. So although social security attorneys are not required in order for claims to go before hearings, their expertise can be extremely beneficial. For that reason, claims will usually have a better chance at being awarded benefits during a hearing if they are represented by social security attorneys.
Q: Do you have to wait 5 months to apply for SSDI?
A: No, there is not a waiting period to apply for SSDI. There is a waiting period to receive benefits, but not to apply. Many people are confused by that. If you are awarded benefits, you are not entitled to receive benefits until 5 months after your established date of onset (when your condition or injury began). The review process can be quite lengthy and many claimants are well past that 5 month waiting period by the time they receive decisions on their claims. In fact, many are awarded retroactive benefits, or back pay, for the time between when they became eligible to receive benefits and when they were awarded them. The bottom line is that you should not wait to apply for SSDI. If you expect your injury or condition will prevent you from working for a year or more, apply.