According to the Census Bureau, fewer people moved between 2007 and 2008 than at any other time since 1959. That low number of people moving between 2007 and 2008 was 34 million. People move all year round, but the busy “moving season” is from June to September. Moving companies usually charge more during those months.
Moving is a huge job. There are moving companies that you can hire to move your furniture and other possessions for you, and many that rent trucks and other equipment, such as dollies and moving pods, to help you if you decide to move yourself.
Moving pods are a popular item. Pods is an abbreviation for portable on demand storage. They are large containers that can usually be rented for any amount of time from one day to an entire month. They allow people to pack at their own pace, and still have access to all of the packed items. Pods storage containers are climate controlled, and can be kept at your home or at a storage facility. You do not need a truck, pods can be picked up and dropped off for you.
For a long distance move, such as a military move, moving pods are particularly useful. With the option of pods moving long distances gives people more time to sort through items while packing them. The moving pods can be organized in such a way that stored items that might still be needed are easily accessible.
When moving long distance, it is a good idea to have each family member pack a suitcase, as if you were going on a trip. Any personal items and changes of clothes that might be needed for the first few days after the move can be packed. Valuables such as jewelry, cash and important documents should be packed to travel with you, not the movers, or sent by a trackable shipping service.
6 thoughts on “Moving to Your New Pad by Pod”
I have to move in a few months, and now I am thinking about using one of those moving pods. Thanks for the tip!
Pods? I never heard of them until I read this
Pods? I never heard of them until I read this
Pods? I never heard of them until I read this
Pods? I never heard of them until I read this
Pods? I never heard of them until I read this