As the name states, microgreens are small and they offer a vibrant taste. They are usually less than 1.5 inches tall and .5 to 1 inch wide across the top. Many microgreens are harvested after 1 to 2 weeks of growing but some are harvested after 4 to 6 weeks. Edible flowers can be used alone or in vinegars, syrups, dressings, or mixed with cheeses or butter. Monks in medieval times preserved violets in a syrup and mead mixture to treat cold and flu.
There are varieties of edible flowers that have a wide range of colors and flavors. The process of choosing basil crystals for an event is both a creative and somewhat scientific one that you can really have a lot of fun with. The best way to work with a talented person who excels in the pairing of basil crystals is to tell them a little bit about what you are looking for. From there you may tell them that you would like the basil crystals to be comprised of the colors purple and orange to coordinate with colors in the event, such as table centerpieces. This does not mean matching exactly as this can prove tacky, but rather nicely and tastefully complimenting.
If you would like to find a vender and expert in edible flowers, sugar flowers, firestix, basil crystals, and candied flowers for your event you can search online for suppliers in your area. Feel free to contact any that you are interested in to ask them any questions that you may have or to schedule a consultation to discuss finding the perfect basil crystals for your event.