What is outplacement consulting? Outplacement consulting firms help connect employees with the position that is best suited for their unique experience and skill set. There are a wide range of human resources consulting firms. However, you want more than that for your business. You want to work with a firm that will enable you to avoid costly hiring mistakes and utilize your current workforce for maximum productivity.
A recent study showed that the number one cause of hiring failures was poor skill match. Putting employees into position that does not best maximize their skills and experience leads to discontent for both the employee and the company. When it isn’t a good fight, everyone feels it.
Nearly three million people voluntarily left their jobs in the last year, which is a twenty-five percent increase from previous years. Several studies are showing that millennials are very willing to leave their jobs if they are not happy. They referred to as the job hopping generation due to this willingness. Previous generations felt a level of loyalty to their employers, which does not exist anymore.
Without that innate feeling of loyalty, it is important for employers to give employees reasons to stay. This is accomplished through benefits, recognition programs, and an overall willingness to work with them and encourage them. College graduates do not see their employment as just a job like previous generations did. They want to have a job where they feel happy and fulfilled.
Employee recognition programs are far more effective in building productivity and increasing retention than most people realize. Studies show that employees widely do not feel appreciated or encouraged. Companies that offer recognition programs get such a positive response because it is not something seen as being common place.
Outplacement consulting can help by working with businesses to identify which employees will work out best and in what positions. They can help reduce employee turnover by choosing the right candidates in the first place. As many business owners know, employee turnover is one of the biggest expenses they have to deal with. Eliminating or drastically reducing that expense will lower overall expenses and increase profitability.