For first time bloggers signing up for services offering free blogs is prudent to help them find their feet in the blog industry. There are many services offering free blogs on the internet. However services offering free blogs mean that uploading a blog is free of cost. It does not mean that bloggers have unlimited freedom as to the content they place on the blog. A strict editorial team ensures that the blogs hosted by them are according to the terms and conditions of offering their service of hosting free blogs.
Most services offering free blogs expect those who sign up for the service to have a valid email id. This is to ensure that the blog is not spam and the blogger is an existing person with an email id for correspondence. Most free blog services reject anyone who does not have a valid email. The editorial team of the free blog service scans content for possible Spam or inappropriate information. This is to protect the reputation of the service as a place where quality blogs that provide important information to viewers of all ages. The editorial team also ensures that free blogs are not used by internet marketers to send unsolicited information about products and services to internet viewers. They also close accounts that are not active for over 90 days.
Services offering free blogs provide a useful service for genuine bloggers. The services have an easy to set up wizard that helps new bloggers create their free blogs easily. They provide tools and templates to make the blog attractive to the internet visitor. They also offer support through email or through live chat with their customer service personnel. This helps new bloggers learn the ropes of how to blog and increase the traffic visiting the blog easily and for free. Learning to blog through services that offer free blogs will help bloggers through their initial attempts at blogging before the attempt serious blogging and making profits through their blogs.